(Fr) Je réalise des
tableaux/sculptures murales contemporains et luxueux. Ces œuvres pluri techniques et pluri matériaux ont pour objectif de former les décorums d’établissements haut de gamme: aux CONCEPTS UNIQUES: – établissements d’exceptions pour des escapades artistiques – établissements qui sont de véritables musées – établissements qui enrichissent l’expérience des visiteurs locaux et internationaux – établissements qui possèdent des identités propres avec des techniques innovantes – établissements orientés « bien-être »
Mes matériaux : toiles originales peintes à la main à l’acrylique, résine époxy, feuilles et flocons d’or 24 carats, feuilles et flocons de cuivre pure, feuilles et flocons d’argent pure, métaux divers (notamment tubes, raccords et manchons à souder en cuivre et laiton), cristaux divers (diverses tailles) dont pyrites en cube, fibres Angelina et autres, cadres en bois sur mesures, vernis, lasure…
Les toiles : Chacune des toiles est riche de symbolisme. Des messages y sont logés. Libre à chacun de les découvrir ou pas.
Style des toiles : symbolisme et abstrait.
Ma discipline : Peinture, Sculpture, Joaillerie, Artisanat art déco (meubles à partir de mes créations)
Les marchés que je vise : marché du luxe en hôtellerie-restauration haut de gamme (art hotels et art restaurants) – Établissements convoités par les grandes fortunes – Croisement entre établissements de luxe et établissement de bien-être
Les pays que je vise : Maroc (Marrakech, Casablanca, Tanger), Émirats Arabes Unis (Dubaï, Abu-Dhabi), Russie (Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg)
Ce que je recherche : un ou des investisseur(s) pour la réalisation d’une trentaine d’œuvres uniques, de différentes dimensions – et pour la création d’une côte d’artiste
(Eng) I create
contemporary and luxurious wall paintings / sculptures. These multi-technical and multi-material works aim to form the decorums of high-end establishments: UNIQUE CONCEPTS: - exceptional establishments for artistic escapades - establishments which are true museums - establishments which enrich the experience of visitors local and international - establishments which have their own identities with innovative techniques - establishments oriented towards "well-being"
My materials: original paintings painted by hand in acrylic, epoxy resin, sheets and flakes of 24 carat gold, sheets and flakes of pure copper, sheets and flakes of pure silver, various metals (in particular tubes, fittings and sleeves soldering in copper and brass), various crystals (various sizes) including pyrites in cubes, Angelina fibers and others, custom wooden frames, varnish, stain ...
The paintings: Each of the paintings is rich in symbolism. Messages are housed there. Everyone is free to discover them or not.
Canvas style: symbolism and abstract.
My discipline: Painting, Sculpture, Jewelry, Art Deco Crafts (furniture from my creations)
The markets that I target: luxury market in upscale hotels and restaurants (art hotels and art restaurants) - Establishments coveted by large fortunes - Crossroads between luxury establishments and wellness establishments
The countries I target: Morocco (Marrakech, Casablanca, Tangier), United Arab Emirates (Dubai, Abu-Dhabi), Russia (Moscow, Saint Petersburg)
What I am looking for: one or more investors for the creation of thirty unique works, of different dimensions - and for the creation of an artist's rib
Mon art sur internet / My art on internet:https://www.artmajeur.com/e-delsart-consultant
EL4DEV - The Age of Collaboration
The Grand White Paper of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV, a new Intellectual Start-up and Social Innovation Lab with international action and concrete action plans.
A 117-page book, 100% FREE to view and/or download online (no forms, no email request).
A Mechanism of National Cohesion for a Profound Transformation of Individuals, Communes/Municipalities, and Nations.
Fundamental Principles of a Concrete Solution to Societal Challenges.
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"Welcome to a fascinating journey through the revolutionary initiatives of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV. This book, a compilation of information sheets, aims to be an instructive and indispensable guide for anyone wishing to understand and participate in the profound transformation of our world. Through social and environmental innovation, we invite you to discover how we can, together, reshape our societies for a better future."
Book in HTML format for viewing online
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https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HnGsPvepGmd7hmPNtlj2UdWynl5706TK/viewEL4DEV PDF platform (to download in PDF format)
http://el4dev.info/pdf/el4dev_the_age_of_collaboration/viewOther links (to view online and download in PDF format)
https://www.fichier-pdf.fr/2024/07/03/el4dev---the-age-of-collaboration/https://www.document-pdf.fr/2024/07/03/el4dev---the-age-of-collaboration/Find more information
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http://action-plan.el4dev.org/Paul%20Elvere%20DELSART's%20action%20plan.htmhttp://projects.el4dev.net/Paul%20Elvere%20DELSART's%20projects.htmLive-Action Role Playing Game (LARP) in Alternate Reality: Green Empire of the East and the West
http://establish-empire.el4dev.info/Establish-Green-Empire-East-West.htmhttp://larp.el4dev.net/LARP%20-%20Green%20Empire%20East%20and%20West.htmhttp://www.eng.el4dev.org/Press kits, White papers and Press review
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https://sites.google.com/view/lepapillonsourceel4dev/http://www.el4dev.com/the-think-and-do-tankhttp://www.el4dev.com/Age-of-Collaborationhttp://www.el4dev.com/Sponsors-EngPublicaciones en español
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https://www.mysciencework.com/profile/elvere.delsartWay to support us
https://paypal.me/DELSARTPAULhttps://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/QFE9SRXKKGAK6(Credit cards possible)
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Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART
Founder, chief engineer and director of the participatory and socio-political multidisciplinary engineering program "EL4DEV"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the sub-program of interconnected tourist towns and agro-climatic eco-landscape structures "LE PAPILLON SOURCE"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the decentralized inter-municipal cooperation sub-program "THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK"
Founder and chief engineer of vertical eco-landscaped structures that generate humidity and microclimates called "THE GREEN / VEGETAL / PLANT CALDERAS"
Founder of the concept of "SOCIETAL DIPLOMACY"
Founder of the “Second Renaissance movement EL4DEV”
Designer of the EL4DEV Information System and the EL4DEV Strategic Deployment Tool
Founder and president of the French non-profit organization named "LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV" (Think tank)
Designer of the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
Publisher of literary works based on the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
E-mail 1:
e.delsart.consultant@gmail.comE-mail 2: