Français - FrenchPrésidentielle. « Je ne les compte plus »… Ces maires vendéens racontent la course aux parrainages - 04 Février 2022 (Article traitant des candidatures à la présidence de la France en 2022 - Article dealing with candidacies for the presidency of France in 2022 )
Ouest Franceçais - FrenchPRÉSIDENTIELLE FRANÇAISE 2022 : UN CAMEROUNAIS EN LICE - 27 Novembre 2021 (Article traitant de la candidature de Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART à la présidence de la France en 2022 - Article dealing with the candidacy of Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART for the presidency of France in 2022)
La diaspora camerounaiseçais - FrenchPrésidentielle 2022 en France : Un candidat camerounais ! - 27 Novembre 2021 (Article traitant de la candidature de Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART à la présidence de la France en 2022 - Article dealing with the candidacy of Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART for the presidency of France in 2022)
Cameroun Magazineçais - FrenchPrésidentielle 2022 en France : Un Camerounais candidat - 26 Novembre 2021 (Article traitant de la candidature de Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART à la présidence de la France en 2022 - Article dealing with the candidacy of Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART for the presidency of France in 2022)
AfricaPressçais - FrenchPrésidentielle 2022 en France : Un Camerounais candidat - 26 Novembre 2021 (Article traitant de la candidature de Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART à la présidence de la France en 2022 - Article dealing with the candidacy of Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART for the presidency of France in 2022)
CamerounWebçais - FrenchPrésidentielle française à venir : Un Camerounais d’origine en lice - 26 Novembre 2021 (Article traitant de la candidature de Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART à la présidence de la France en 2022 - Si problème à l'ouverture, recharger la page - Article dealing with the candidacy of Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART for the presidency of France in 2022 - If there is a problem opening, reload the page)
Agence de presse panafricaineçais - FrenchL’Empire Vert d’Orient et d’Occident a besoin de soutien pour changer le monde – Découvrez le plan d’action pour une modification sociétale positive du monde - 05 Septembre 2021 (Article traitant de l'Empire Vert d'Orient et d'Occident - Article dealing with the Green Empire of the East and the West )
Le nouveau Centrafrique.infoçais - FrenchEL4DEV, une approche dynamique pour vulgariser l'écologie - 06 Août 2021 (Article traitant de l'Empire Vert d'Orient et d'Occident - Si problème à l'ouverture, recharger la page - Article dealing with the Green Empire of the East and the West - If there is a problem opening, reload the page)
Agence de presse panafricaineçais - FrenchCameroun - Agriculture. LE PAPILLON SOURCE, l'incroyable programme sociétal mondial d'un entrepreneur franco-camerounais - 15 Mars 2021
Cameroun24.net - EnglishCameroun - Agriculture. LE PAPILLON SOURCE, the amazing Global Societal Program of a Franco-Cameroonian entrepreneur - March 15th of 2021
Cameroun24.netçais - FrenchCommuniqué de presse EL4DEV N°1 - La Confédération EL4DEV ou Empire Vert d'Orient et d'Occident - 26 Juillet 2021 - EnglishPress release N°1 - The Green Empire of the East and the West - July the 26th of 2021çais - FrenchCommuniqué de presse EL4DEV N°2 - L'Empereur Vert d'Orient et d'Occident - 28 Juillet 2021 - EnglishPress release N°2 - The Green Emperor of the East and the West - July the 28th of 2021çais - FrenchCommuniqué de presse EL4DEV N°3 - Empereur Vert d'Orient et d'Occident - Micronation - 25 Mars 2022 - EnglishPress release N°3 - The Green Empire of the East and the West - Micronation - March the 25th of 2022 - The Age of Collaboration
The Grand White Paper of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV, a new Intellectual Start-up and Social Innovation Lab with international action and concrete action plans.
A 117-page book, 100% FREE to view and/or download online (no forms, no email request).
A Mechanism of National Cohesion for a Profound Transformation of Individuals, Communes/Municipalities, and Nations.
Fundamental Principles of a Concrete Solution to Societal Challenges.
#thinktank #startup #solution #idea #laboratory #change #society #peace #international #development #transformation #project #plan
"Welcome to a fascinating journey through the revolutionary initiatives of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV. This book, a compilation of information sheets, aims to be an instructive and indispensable guide for anyone wishing to understand and participate in the profound transformation of our world. Through social and environmental innovation, we invite you to discover how we can, together, reshape our societies for a better future."
Book in HTML format for viewing online Drive link (to view online in PDF format) PDF platform (to download in PDF format) links (to view online and download in PDF format) more information
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Main of the founder and program director letters plan and projects's%20action%20plan.htm's%20projects.htmLive-Action Role Playing Game (LARP) in Alternate Reality: Green Empire of the East and the West kits, White papers and Press review and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV en español feed social networks
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Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART
Founder, chief engineer and director of the participatory and socio-political multidisciplinary engineering program "EL4DEV"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the sub-program of interconnected tourist towns and agro-climatic eco-landscape structures "LE PAPILLON SOURCE"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the decentralized inter-municipal cooperation sub-program "THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK"
Founder and chief engineer of vertical eco-landscaped structures that generate humidity and microclimates called "THE GREEN / VEGETAL / PLANT CALDERAS"
Founder of the concept of "SOCIETAL DIPLOMACY"
Founder of the “Second Renaissance movement EL4DEV”
Designer of the EL4DEV Information System and the EL4DEV Strategic Deployment Tool
Founder and president of the French non-profit organization named "LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV" (Think tank)
Designer of the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
Publisher of literary works based on the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
E-mail 1:
e.delsart.consultant@gmail.comE-mail 2: