Green-Vegetal-Plant calderas: vertical green complexes
Other names: Key modules / Generator modules of agricultural-climatic plant cities / Self-managed food bank cities
Membership sub-program: "The municipalities counter-attack"
Membership program: "The Papillon Source"
Mother program: "EL4DEV"Introduction to the "plant/green/vegetal calderas" of the "MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK"Plant calderas are the key modules (
climate / humidity generators) of future
agricultural-climatic plant cities, otherwise known as
self-managed food bank cities. These are one of the two city models developed and promoted in the Papillon Source project.
Type of projectEcological, agricultural, architectural, tourist and political project
Strategic area of the projectEnvironment, national and international influence, governance
Purpose of the projectSet of eco-landscaped, agro-tourism, eco-tourism, multi-functional ornamental suspended and self-managed complexes that can be visited in 3 dimensions
Particularity of the projectThis vast architectural and ornamental project is
a modular set of lush hanging garden-forest-sanctuary complexes inserted in the heart of large galvanized steel structures of rectangular or cubic shape and the height of an 8-storey building. The structures are not covered with any coating (plastic, carbon, glass or jail), neither on the sides nor above. The floors are not concreted (only covered with grass and various plants in the form of isolated shrubs, beds, hedges, orchards, etc.).
These complexes are designed to:
produce numerous fruits and vegetables intended for distribution to the most disadvantaged,
• provide an ideal and protected ecosystem for birds and bees
• allow people to connect to nature, recharge their batteries and be inspired
• protect the surroundings from harmful electromagnetic waves
• have a beneficial influence on the climate by rebalancing it
• be visited
Dimensions7 configurations are available:1 - Floor area of the structure: 10,000 m2 (100 m * 100 m) i.e. 1 hectare Volume of the structure: 300,000 m3
2 - Floor area of the structure: 7,000 m2 (100 m * 70 m) or 0.7 hectare Volume of the structure: 210,000 m3
3 - Floor area of the structure: 5,000 m2 (100 m * 50 m) or 0.5 hectare Volume of the structure: 150,000 m3
4 - Floor area of the structure: 4,900 m2 (70 m * 70 m) or 0.49 hectare Volume of the structure: 147,000 m3
5 - Floor area of the structure: 3000 m2 (100 m * 30 m) or 0.3 hectare Volume of the structure: 90,000 m3
6 - Floor area of the structure: 2,500 m2 (50 m * 50 m) or 0.25 hectare Volume of the structure: 75,000 m3
7 - Floor area of the structure: 900 m2 (30 m * 30 m) or 0.09 hectare Volume of the structure: 27,000 m3
Height of the structure: 30 m (this is the ridge height of an 8-storey building) - This height is sufficient for a beautiful panoramic view.
The 10 levels of the structure:• A ground floor (1st level) (bare ground and covered with plants)
• 1st floor (2nd level) (located 6 meters from the ground)
• 2nd floor (3rd level) (located 8.50 meters from the ground)
• 3rd floor (4th level) (located 12.50 meters from the ground)
• 4th floor (5th level) (located 15 meters from the ground)
• 5th floor (6th level) (located 18 meters from the ground)
• 6th floor (7th level) (located 21 meters from the ground)
• 7th floor (8th level) (located 24 meters from the ground)
• 8th floor (9th level) (located 27 meters from the ground)
• Terrace (ridge) - panoramic platforms (10th level) (located 30 meters from the ground)
Ornamental functionBasic composition:
Many climbing plants (evergreen, non-evergreen, flowering, honey, fruit, etc.) are fully deployed on the scaffolding structures as well as on a steel cable trellis (steel cables). The park extends over 10 levels linked by stairs and corridors with rest areas and viewing balconies. At the top, 30 meters above the ground, are observation platforms that allow you to enjoy a superb panorama.
This multitude of climbing plants is selected for their rapidity of growth and their production of fruits and flowers. In total, there are several varieties of rising plants most suited to pergolas such as wisteria, climbing rose, jasmine, honeysuckle, ivy, clematis, bigonne, virginia trumpet, ipome, clerondendron, blue peas, sweet peas, hops and climbing hydrangea, etc. But there are also many other climbing plants with edible fruit such as vines, kiwi, gourd, thornless bramble, Spanish bean, etc.
• In addition, there are also, at ground level as well as in height,
nourishing forest gardens (agro-forestry orchards). These are groves and hedges of honey, fruit and ornamental flower shrubs, but also dwarf fruit trees as well as herbaceous fruit plants with edible fruits (melons, watermelons, squash, etc.) and plants known to be medicinal.
• This
plant diversity makes the park pleasant in all seasons and above all edible.
• The park contains
at ground level many small ornamental vegetated pyramids (2 meters high),
isolated cabins for contemplation, relaxation and meditation,
ornamental towers covered with plants,
plant curtains as well as
footbridges to circulate in height, in the heart of the park.
• The park is from
a whimsical to enchanted nature. It is in its entirety
encrusted with crystals of all kinds and partly illuminated at night.
Water is very present there in the form of small interconnected basins and waterfalls and fountains.
• The
vast metal structure (made up of galvanized steel scaffolding) as well as the multitude of steel cables covered with
crawling plants serves as a support for
many species of birds integrated into the park. The park acts like a
giant open air aviary in which the birds are completely free to leave or stay if they like.
• Verticality offers new perspectives: this giant pergola with environmental, agronomic and ornamental functions interacts with the place where it is located in a different way than an ordinary park would.
Agricultural function• Cultivation of medicinal plants
• Cultivation of fruit hedges (composed of dwarf fruit shrubs)
• Orchards of dwarf fruit trees
• Larger fruit tree orchards
• Cultivation of ornamental, fruit and honey climbing plants
• Cultivation of cucurbits (herbaceous fruit plants) for their edible fruits and oleaginous seeds
• Production of super honey with a highly therapeutic function (the park has its own beehives)
The agricultural processes used are:•
Electro culture and magneto culture (use of electricity and magnetic fields beneficial to life)
Parmaculture (particularly a model of the forest: the garden-forest and more particularly the garden-edible forest)
• Consideration of
geobiology (terrestrial electromagnetic grids)• Stimuli of plants by
diffusion of beneficial waves (particular sound frequencies amplified by crystals) and use of numerous wind chimes
• Use of
terra preta (manufacture of a black earth comprising a large quantity of coal, like that existing in the Amazon)
• The
revitalization of water (water stimulated by frequencies and beneficial electromagnetic waves)
Massive use of orgonites (tower busters and chembusters) in soils, water and metal structures
Radionics: use of beneficial and stimulating waveforms (pyramids, domes, Irish towers, holy water fonts, scallops)
Environmental function•
Sanctuary for bees in swarms and solitary bees (protected area, preservation and awareness of the disappearance of bees). These find within it everything they need to live, feel good and produce very high quality honey. They benefit from optimal protection against harmful electromagnetic waves.
Ornithological sanctuary for birds of all species: nesters, migratory and non-migratory, indigenous and exotic, endangered (protected area, to preserve and raise awareness of the disappearance of many species of birds) - The birds are in total freedom and only stay there because they find everything they need. They also benefit from optimal protection against harmful electromagnetic waves.
These structures are visual cues that attract birds.
Plant sanctuary - The park brings together a great biodiversity
Creation of a local micro climate•
The park has its own microclimate due to its geometric shape (basin) and its high concentration of plants generating a large amount of evapotranspiration. This local microclimate is very pleasant for the birds and bees residing within it. The Park is slightly heated in winter by a device using 100% renewable energy.
Therapeutic function•
The park is a high place of rest and renewal through a real connection to nature, for individuals, families and groups.
• It is a great place for meditation and inspiration
• Visitors will be able to consume locally produced super honey with a highly therapeutic function (thanks to a very wide variety of honey plants and shrubs concentrated in one place)
• The park, of whimsical nature, is filled with crystals of all kinds, each known for their particular positive effects on health (lithotherapy)
The park also cultivates 15 plants which are known to attract positive energies according to Feng shui:
• Lucky bamboo
• Crassula ovata
• Sage
• Holy basil
• The orchid
• The peace lily
• Aloe will see
• The cactus
• Jasmine
• Rosemary
• Thyme
• Hierbabuena (spearmint)
• English ivy
• The chrysanthemum
• Eucalyptus
This well-being occurs on living beings in the park (bees and birds), but also on visitors looking for rest, inspiration or introspection.
Energy self-management•
The park generates its own green energy on its own (solar energy by the installation of numerous photovoltaic and thermal solar panels on the metal structure, in height and on the sides, then
piezoelectricity by the use of a large number of crystals implanted in the complex as well as the use of ferroelectric materials, especially iron)•
The energy supplied is not collected in traditional batteries but in giant supercapacitors in series (A supercapacitor is a device which has a technological architecture situated between that of a capacitor and that of a battery - The battery as supercapacitors are devices for storing electricity. The battery is widely used more thanks to its ability to store more energy for a given weight and volume: it has a better energy density. The supercapacitor on the other hand can recharge and discharge very quickly (or very slowly if you do not need power): it has a very high power density. With a compliant charging system and an exposure temperature within the operating range (often from -40 to 65 ° C), there is no risk of a supercapacitor exploding or catching fire, unlike a lithium-ion battery - When charging at constant voltage, the voltage one of a supercapacitor increases gradually, but the charge is more efficient at constant current and the voltage then increases in a straight line. During discharge, the voltage of a supercapacitor continuously decreases. To make the best use of the energy of a supercapacitor, a voltage converter is used to obtain a stable voltage.
The green energy produced is used to light the park by powering many LEDs but also to heat earth walls (adobe) inlaid with metal frames (these are the frames that will be heated). The latter device has the function of adapting certain exotic birds to spend the winter outside and to prevent freezing during the winter period.
Tourist function•
• Ecotourism
• Ornithological tourism
• Wellness tourism (retreat center)
Scientific tourism (ornithological and botanical observatory)
Educational tourism (educational complex for adults and children - Bird safari)
Event tourism (possibility of renting a part for special events)
Radionic functionPrinciple:
There is already ample scientific evidence that the universe is made up entirely of energy: plants, animals, humans, crystals, colors, etc. This is also the case with shapes. Nature is therefore composed of vibratory waves. The energies generated by these waves will act on living beings physically and psychologically in a way that can be positive, negative or neutral. Positive vibratory waves harmonize the environment, improve health and well-being, protect against harmful electromagnetic waves, stimulate plant growth, also energize food and drink, etc.
Plant calderas are therefore
tools that generate beneficial waves. These structures
emit powerful positive electromagnetic radiations and therefore strongly stimulate the vital potential of the surrounding nature (plant, animal and human). These structures re-harmonize the magnetic and electric fields of the soil, degraded by excess inputs of minerals, fertilizers, chemicals and by violent electric shocks caused by the steel plowshares of the plows.
These are places of vibratory energy condensation.First locations
These complexes
will initially be installed in many municipalities in the South West of France.
The sites will be located:
• In the New Aquitaine region,
• In two departments (Gironde and Landes),
• On either side of a Bordeaux / Mont-de-Marsan line,
• In a strip of 3,266 km2 between the highways/departmental roads A63, D834, A62 and A65
Total area: 3266 km2In France, can municipalities finance a project outside their territory?YES THEY CAN: the municipalities can only act
if their action is justified by a “local public interest” (article L. 2121–29 of the CGCT). This public interest is defined locally, taking into account not the territory but
the needs of the local population (CE 22 Nov. 2002, Cne de Gennevilliers, no 229192).
It is therefore possible to allocate a subsidy for a project located in another department, taking into account
“the existence of a particular link which would be such as to justify participation in such an operation” (CE 16 June 1997, No. 170069).
In France, a local authority can be part of an EIG, on the condition that:
- The private partners of the public community within the GIE are non-profit organizations (eg associations), and not commercial companies;
- The EIG is itself constituted without capital and without profit;
- The activities managed jointly are necessary for the accomplishment of the missions of the members of the EIG
Source : site Internet issuesThis project is the tool for creating a new kind of societal-centered intermunicipality. This is a participatory public investment project with image and financial feedback.
This is therefore a solution favoring the self-financing of municipalities as well as their international influence.
Crowdfunding from municipalitiesSeveral municipalities in Gironde and Landes were initially selected and jointly participated in the financing of the project through the constitution of an Economic Interest Group with a societal vocation.
The sums necessary to finance the design and organization of participatory events will be acquired through grants from the municipalities (donations to the Non-profit organization named LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV).
The sums necessary to finance the construction work will be taken from their respective investment budgets (type of transaction: acquisition of equity securities) or other fixed securities.
They may then be the subject of an allocation of the VAT compensation fund (FCTVA) subject to the other eligibility conditions set by articles L.1615-1 to L1615-12 and R1615-1 to R1615-7. of the CGCT. These are therefore the various self-financing capacities (SFC) of the municipalities that will finance the project.
The gross SFC reflects the
capacity of the community to finance, through its day-to-day operations, its investment operations (debt repayments, equipment expenses, etc.).
It therefore makes it possible to assess the real possibilities of the municipality to carry out its projects.
How to calculate the self-financing capacity of a municipality?
The gross SFC is equal to the actual operating income (cashable) - the actual operating expenses (cashable).
The net SFC is equal to the gross SFC less the principal repayment of the debt. The net SFC therefore represents the self-financing of the community.
For information,
here are the average net self-financing capacities of municipalities in France in 2018: self-financing capacity of French municipalities with
less than 250 inhabitants: € 30,913
Average self-financing capacity of French municipalities of
250 to 500 inhabitants: € 59,349
Average self-financing capacity of French municipalities with
500 to 2,000 inhabitants: € 158,919
Average self-financing capacity of French municipalities with a population of
2,000 to 3,500 inhabitants: € 452,101
Average self-financing capacity of French municipalities with
3,500 to 5,000 inhabitants: € 776,027
Average self-financing capacity of French municipalities with
5,000 to 10,000 inhabitants: € 1,331,306
Average self-financing capacity of French municipalities with
10,000 to 20,000 inhabitants: € 2,572,106
Crowdfunding of individualsAt the same time, the project could be supported by online crowdfunding in exchange for non-financial compensation (crowdfunding).
Commercial benefitsThe total potential contribution of the municipalities involved in the process is therefore very substantial. This sum represents the total cost for local, national and transnational communication, events (collaborative engineering), construction and operation.
Benefits for municipalities, their inhabitants and their economic fabric:The commercial profits generated by the tourist income are equitably distributed between the municipalities (equal participation because unique amounts, regardless of the size of the municipality). These benefits will be added to the operating revenues of the municipalities (
list of products from services and the domain of communities), making them more and more
independent of grants from the State and all public bodies (representing around 30 % of the overall resources of a community) as well as, why not,
local taxes: direct (housing tax, property taxes)
or indirect (DMTO transfer taxes, household waste removal tax, etc.)
and economic taxation (territorial economic contribution, etc.,).
This will also make them independent from borrowing.
The project cannot be financed against the acquisition of equity securities by private actors (only intended for municipalities = wealth distribution program).
Growth of E.I.G.Each new site will be funded in the same way, by the same actors. The E.I.G. can continually grow and with this, other sites will be funded by the societal collective of municipalities. The budget of the other sites will be gradually reduced because the vast majority of technical solutions will have been designed upstream. Only minor modifications will remain to be made (adapted to geographic and climatic environments). The budgets will therefore largely depend on the land where the buildings will be constructed.
Project management1 entity to carry this project:
1 French Non-profit organization named "Le Papillon Source EL4DEV"Executive members: Elvere DELSART + Thomas DELSART
General purpose of the non-profit: To promote a model of development and administration of social and united nations
Official objective N ° 1: Massively bring together and create social and solidarity cooperation connections between countries- Initiate, promote and develop a new philosophical culture based on the development of social and solidarity - Mobilize a large number of human resources in several countries and promote the sharing of knowledge, skills, talents and resources between students, researchers, artists and creators - Set up a series of events that will initiate real connections of transnational and intergenerational intellectual and artistic cooperation.
- T.I.C.I. (Transnational Intellectual Cooperation Initiatives) - T.A.C.I. (Transnational Artistic Cooperation Initiatives) - Creation of promotional and explanatory videos in several languages - Creation of content for an alternative 100% positive and educational web T.V. channel (programs in several languages) - etc. |
Official objective N ° 2: Promote educational models, development models and alternative tourism models- Promote new transnational and transcontinental teaching initiatives as well as a multilateral educational process based on collective experiments - Promote ecological tourism, social and solidarity tourism as well as educational tourism - Promote the innovative concepts of “self-managed food bank city”, “agricultural-climatic city” then “educational tourist city” - Promote various alternative and efficient processes and solutions in many fields such as agriculture, architecture, energy, water management, geoengineering, medicine, well-being, education , etc. |
Official objective N ° 3: Promote an alternative model of governance and a new diplomatic model based on social and solidarity- Promote alternative procedures in the areas of governance and international relations - Promote a dialogue of peoples - Set up a series of events that will initiate a real collaboration between peoples and their respective heads of state and then between heads of state to create a wave of major societal change and move towards a pacification of nations - Promote and initiate social and solidarity integration of many countries - Promote the concepts of "societal diplomacy" and "political-societal union" |
Official objective N ° 4- Design tourist and non-tourist agricultural-climatic cities - Promote countries and heads of state that take the path of governance and social and solidarity diplomacy |
President and secretary of the non-profit: Paul, Elvère, Valérien DELSART
Vice-president and treasurer of the non-profit: Thomas DELSART
Board of Directors and Office of the non-profit: Paul, Elvère, Valérien DELSART + Thomas DELSART
All of the actions will be carried out in the name of the EL4DEV societal engineering program and its sub-program of eco-tourism, agro-tourism, agricultural-climatic and educational cities called "The Papillon Source".
The parks will be labeled “The Papillon Source”. All the operational software developed and necessary for the process of founding and raising awareness of the project (information system of the EL4DEV program) will be exclusively the property of the non-profit LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV.
Commercial object of E.I.G. created by the municipalities:Financing and Operation of eco-landscaped, eco-tourism and agro-tourism complexes |
The E.I.G. does not generate money for itself. It only returns the profits to the members concerned, that is to say the municipalities. These benefits are generated by the economic model of the complexes.Sharing of business benefits:- Municipalities E.I.G. : 100%
- Non-profit « LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV » : 0%
Continuity of the project in the West of France
Development and financing plan for seed in France
STEP 2 - CONVINCING OTHER NEARBY MUNICIPALITIESPresent the project to other municipalities in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region (municipalities in the community of Montesquieu + other municipalities in Gironde and Landes) with the aim of creating an Inter-municipal E.I.G. with a societal vocationSTEP 3 - THE MUNICIPALITIES JOIN AND FORM A NEW KIND OF E.I.G.
STEP 5 - THE OPERATIONAL CONTRACT
The municipalities counter-attack:
EL4DEV - The Age of Collaboration
The Grand White Paper of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV, a new Intellectual Start-up and Social Innovation Lab with international action and concrete action plans.
A 117-page book, 100% FREE to view and/or download online (no forms, no email request).
A Mechanism of National Cohesion for a Profound Transformation of Individuals, Communes/Municipalities, and Nations.
Fundamental Principles of a Concrete Solution to Societal Challenges.
#thinktank #startup #solution #idea #laboratory #change #society #peace #international #development #transformation #project #plan
"Welcome to a fascinating journey through the revolutionary initiatives of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV. This book, a compilation of information sheets, aims to be an instructive and indispensable guide for anyone wishing to understand and participate in the profound transformation of our world. Through social and environmental innovation, we invite you to discover how we can, together, reshape our societies for a better future."
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Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART
Founder, chief engineer and director of the participatory and socio-political multidisciplinary engineering program "EL4DEV"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the sub-program of interconnected tourist towns and agro-climatic eco-landscape structures "LE PAPILLON SOURCE"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the decentralized inter-municipal cooperation sub-program "THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK"
Founder and chief engineer of vertical eco-landscaped structures that generate humidity and microclimates called "THE GREEN / VEGETAL / PLANT CALDERAS"
Founder of the concept of "SOCIETAL DIPLOMACY"
Founder of the “Second Renaissance movement EL4DEV”
Designer of the EL4DEV Information System and the EL4DEV Strategic Deployment Tool
Founder and president of the French non-profit organization named "LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV" (Think tank)
Designer of the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
Publisher of literary works based on the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
E-mail 1:
e.delsart.consultant@gmail.comE-mail 2: